“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

-Proverbs 29:18

  • Short-Term Discipleship

    New followers of Jesus will need plenty of love, guidance, and structure as they begin their new life with Christ. Our Short-Term Discipleship plan gives 8 simple lessons that are critical to a new disciple’s journey of faith in Jesus.

  • Mid-Term Discipleship

    As a follower of Jesus begins to be established in the body of Christ, it is imperative to continue fanning the flame in their heart. Our Mid-Term Discipleship plan gives over a dozen simple lessons that are necessary to continue fostering obedience in a Christian’s walk with Christ.

  • Long-Term Discipleship

    Long-Term Discipleship is our plan of growth for a group or church that has been meeting for a consistent period of time, and desiring to truly digest and understand the entire counsel of the Word of God. This discipleship plan is created to challenge even the most seasoned disciple, and this plan helps disciples continue a lifelong pursuit of Jesus and His mission.
