Coast to Coast Network

Join a church planting movement for the glory of Jesus Christ

Mission: Coast to Coast (C2C) is a network of networks focused on multiplying healthy disciples and simple churches globally by committing to the Word of God, prayer, and evangelism

How We Gather

For the first time in US history, less than 50 percent of Americans identify as having a church affiliation. Apart from the Holy Spirit’s life-changing transformation, approximately 2/3 of those growing up attending an American church will stop attending as adults. For the first time in US history, more churches are closing than opening. Few American churches are spawning multiplying movements common to other parts of the world.

Every week, followers of Jesus within our network meet in homes, coffee shops, and malls, modeling a simple way to gather. Whether through simple churches, Bible studies, or small gatherings, we aim to love God and love others as we obey the Father’s will for our lives. We seek to impact those around us who have never known Jesus, and we seek to mobilize existing followers of Him. We believe that every disciple of Jesus is a disciple-maker, and our intimate, simple gatherings pursue a vision of multiplying disciples in our communities and throughout the world. Interested in pursuing this vision? Connect with us!

Ready to take the next step?

This is a movement of movements. Jesus has called YOU to not only be a disciple, but a disciple-maker. Join this movement of disciples and churches today!

“If you seek to plant churches, you might make disciples. If you seek to make disciples, you WILL plant churches.”

— Caleb McKee

Let’s team together to make the Great Commission the Great Completion